玫瑰基督福園 Emmanuel Memorial Garden
本園位於,玫瑰崗內已開發區的最高點,為大洛杉磯的中心點(I-605&I-60的交點) 西起Santa Monica北至San Gabriel Mountain,整個大洛杉磯景致,盡收眼底。 Located on the summit of Rose Hills, Emmanuel Memorial Garden offers 360-degree view of the greater LA basin. 三種安放龕位 THREE PROPERTY OPTIONS 追思牆 (Monument Wall):約1呎立方空間(可安置一對) 骨灰地 (Urn Garden):約3呎立方空間 (可安置一對) 棺木地 (Lawn Garden):3呎4吋寬8呎長(可安置一棺木與一骨灰罈) Monument Wall: Approximately one cubic foot in size, can accommodate up to two urns. Urn Garden: Approximately three cubic feet in size, can accommodate up to two urns. Lawn Garden: 3'4" in width and 8' in length can accommodate one casket and one urn. 費用 PRICING ﹣ 定價合理(含管理費用,未包括葬禮服務),並提供24個月無息付款預購 ﹣ 部分買價可發奉獻收據,做為個人抵稅之用 ﹣ 教會團體購買,另有優惠 ﹣ 台福教會會友另可享有10%折扣的葬禮服務 Reasonable property price includes internment site selected and endowment care fee but not funeral cost. Contact: Tel: 626-782-5470 Cell: 909-671-6572 |